Frequently Asked Questions

What are your delivery options?
  • Free shipping across India on all orders.
  • For international orders, $50 charges for shipping on bill value below ₹50,000 or $650.
  • Free shipping across globe for bill value above ₹50,000 or $650.
  • Shipping date is different for every product and is mentioned in description of the product.
  • Please note this is just an estimated shipping date and not the delivery date . Delivery may take additional 2 to 20 Days depending upon delivery location.
Do You Offer Cash on Delivery?

No, We Don’t offer cash on Delivery. We only accept the order after full payment.

What if I want any changes/cancellation of an existing order?

As per our policy, we do not make any changes to the orders once placed. Further, orders once placed cannot be cancelled/exchanged or refund.

Do you offer alterations on your products?

We offer alterations if possible on a product within 15 days of shipping , however it is chargeable depending upon the type of alteration and the client has to  bear the shipping expenses of the product journey entirely.

How do I track my order?

Once shipped Tracking Details will be sent to your watsapp or email shortly.

What if I order multiple products?

If you order multiple products with different dispatch dates, all the products are shipped as one shipment, once all products in your order are ready. However, if you wish to receive some products earlier, you can call us at +91 9717160145  or email us at [email protected] and we shall get back to you on the same.

Are the colours of products shown on the website accurate?

All our pieces are handcrafted in house at our studio. We ensure that our pieces are shot in standard light giving colors truest and nearest to our pieces. However, due to the intricacy of work involved in our pieces there may be minor variations in the color of the fabric, dyes, prints or embroideries of the product image you see on your screen and the actual product.

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    Product tags

    Product categories

    Product Size

    • 325 XXS
    • 401 XS
    • 402 S
    • 402 M
    • 402 L
    • 402 XL
    • 402 XXL
    • 301 3XL
    • 294 4XL
    • 292 5XL
    • 140 6XL
    HUSKY Filter


    Product tags

    Product categories

    Product Size

    • 325 XXS
    • 401 XS
    • 402 S
    • 402 M
    • 402 L
    • 402 XL
    • 402 XXL
    • 301 3XL
    • 294 4XL
    • 292 5XL
    • 140 6XL